
Huffman Kids (birth-5th grade) exists to engage children with the Gospel, disciple them through fun activities and foundational teaching, and send them into the world as champions for Christ.

2024-2025 AWANA registration now open!

Summer Fun Registration!

This year’s VBS theme is Magnified! Children must have completed Kindergarten through 5th grade by the end of this school year.

2025 Preteen Camp

Children must have completed 3rd-6th grades by the end of this school year. SCHOLARSHIPS will be given based on financial need. More information on registration form.

Bible Study


All children, from birth to 5th grade, participate in Bible study groups with children their own age. Children discover the wonder and love of God in activities as simple as a baby touching a Bible and hearing the name of God. Our preteens become skilled in Bible usage and develop the knowledge of a real and personal God.



Tiny Blessings

AGE: birth - 2yr old Our tiniest children are separated into 2 different classes: Babies and Toddlers. Though they may be little, they still experience their own form of worship through Bible lessons, music, and activities especially designed for their little minds.

Wee Worship

AGE: 3yr old - PreK Children younger than Kindergarten but older than Toddler age participate in their own unique worship. These kids are learning about the love of Jesus though Bible lessons, prayer, and age-appropriate activities.

Children's Worship

AGE: Kinder-5th grade Children come together for their own time of worship, giving, prayer, and Bible lessons. During Children's Worship, kids are developing Bible skills and participating in lesson-related activities, games, and crafts which give them freedom to move and engage with each other. They learn respect for God, leadership, and our place of worship.

1st Sunday of Every Month

Family Worship

At First Baptist Huffman, we believe it is important for families to worship together. On the first Sunday of every month, children (Kindergarten-5th grade) attend the Worship Service with their adult family members. Upon arriving to worship, each child will be handed a Praise Bag filled with a children’s bulletin and activities. At the end of worship, please return the bags to receive a treat. Feel free to keep the contents of the bags.

Tiny Blessings and Wee Worship will be available every Sunday.

Wed | 6:15-7:45pm

Children work from September-May on memorization and understanding of Bible verses, which lays a strong foundation of the Gospel in their hearts and minds. AWANA consists of Bible lessons, activities, game time, and frequent themed nights.

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We are happy to present our most recent Sunday Worship Service.
To view past Worship Services